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bugdgie breeding

22 17:36:35

Hello. My beautiful male budgie "Gizmo" is about nine months old now... He is extremely loving and tame and talks A LOT! I have fallen in love with him so much that I would really like to start breeding budgies instead of only having one at a time. (This is my second budgie). My question is... As Gizmo is around nine months old, would I need to introduce a famale budgie of around the same age... Or would it be fine to introduce a younger female budgie. I got Gizmo when he was around three weeks of age and thought that it was best to get them young as he was very easy to tame and we now have a very close relationship! I would really like this with my new budgie as well... So would a younger or similar age bird be appropriate? And should I put them together right away or maybe keep them separate for a while and get the female used to me before putting her in with Gizmo. Thanks so much for your time. Kind regards, Jade

In my personal opinion I would not breed budgies, there are so many in rescues and stores that need homes as it is, many are abused and neglected, or killed also. I would seriously reconsider adding to that population of unwanted , abused and neglected pets.

Adding a budgie as a pet I can help with. You will want to set up an entire seperate cage for the new addition and set the cages next to each other for a while. Allow them to play out of cage together and see how they interact on a play stand. If it seems they are getting along I would add the one to the others cage.

Please Note: Please...may sure that no interaction is allowed for the minimum of 30 days. This is considered an Isolation time. Wash hands before handling each bird, do NOT spread anything from one bird to the other. You would not want to spread mites, respitory infection, etc.
Keep the new birds cage in another room also for 30 days.
Please investigate diet also. These birds need a fruit/veggie/grain combo in addition to seed and pellet.