Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > LOVEBIRD SICK?


22 17:46:36

Our almost year old male lovebird charlie started acting strange yesterday, seemed unable to find his way into his cage, then became confused and stressed ending up down the back of the telly. We managed to get him out, calmed him down then left him quite to rest, no sign of injury or anything. Perked up later, jumping around his cage, earing, drinking, back to his old self. Fine in the morning still, then i went to open his cage door as we do each morning and he started flapping both wings, and his left foot was lifting of the perch, he then ended at the bottom of his cage, panting like mad, wings spread out, thouight he had died, was lifeless when we went to pick him up, then all of a sudden he seemed to lift his little head but to my horror he could not use either of his legs. Still no improvement, although we are having to hand feed him etc, he is still looking for food, have isolated him with bedding, i am at a lose as to what or why this has happened. Please help

Hello Carol,

As my bio states; If you have a question about a health concern my answer to you will be to take your bird to an avian veterinarian immediately. If you need to locate an avian vet let me know your general location and I can help. I am not an avian veterinarian. I cannot and will not diagnose any medical condition. I can guide you in what questions and tests to ask for from your avian veterinarian.

Your bird needs to be seen by an avian veterinarian immediately.
