Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > cockatile


22 17:48:26

hi my two cockatiles laid three eggs and were going really well, then they left them it was the first time they had laid and i wasnt even sure if the were a pair lol. my dad who has parrots said that if the eggs were cold i should take them out and break them to see if they were furtile  then i would know. one was a duff but the other two were formed they had arms anl legs any eyes i think only a few days they would have hatched one of the m was still alive i was devastated shold i of left them, why did they leave the eggs? please help thanks xx  

When you say they Left them????? how long had they left? what were they doing? Let me know this adn I'll tell you if they would have went back to nest or not....i persoanlly would Never have broken the eggs you have just killed two helpless baby chicks there parents may have started sitting can for future refferance tell if the eggs are fertile by holding them up to a bright light...not too close or you will kill the chicks inside as it will get too hot....eggs that are about 2 weeks in that are fertile will show good blood lines and a fetus inside, infertile eggs will apper clear yellow.