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shy tiels

23 9:34:54

what can I do to make my tiels tamer? (they run away from my hand)

Most 'tiels that haven't been tamed properly will do that. It's scarey to be taken away from what they felt comfortable with, and brought into a new environment. You can work with your bird about 5-10 minutes a couple times a day. I always suggest you start out with pure observing. Get to know what spooks your bird, their personality, etc. A shy bird can not be approached as one who is much braver, or willing to adapt to situations it's not used to. That's key. Start out with a perch, or stick, and stick train them. Getting them to step up on the perch, always using the "UP" command when they do. Don't hold them there long, YOU let them down, using a "DOWN" command, before they even have a chance to hop off. This way, YOU are getting them to do what YOU want. Rather than them just bailing on you. Start off short and slow. Increase the time, but always try to be consistant. Trying to do taming/training at the same times every day. Look for signs of stress while taming/training such as panting heavily, and warmish feet. Let them rest if they experience this. Once you get them used to a perch/stick, try your hand. Do this in an area they can't fly away, or get away from you. Toilet seat down, a bathroom is perfect. Wing clipping always helps the training/taming session, too. They have to rely on you to move them from one spot to the other, and can't easily make you chase them by flying away. Wing clipping is always the way to go for any parrot that has outside time from it's cage. Many have died due to household accidents that most can't even conceive of. Start off like this. Slow but sure, wins the race. :)
again, best regards,
Linnie :)