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heat source

22 17:59:00

Hello. We're planning on building a metal building to keep our birds in eventually. I'd like to get some different ideas on ways to cool/heat other than central air/heat system. We're in Texas. I was considering using a swamp cooler with additional ceiling fans for the cooling. What is your opinion of this? What other suggestions of heating/cooling do you have? We don't encourage breeding so nestboxes for help with heating is out of the question. Many of our birds are housed single anyway. Suggestions?  

Hi, DKW.  Thanks for posting!

What types of parrots are you referring to here?  What are the temperature ranges in Texas where you live?  What are your plans for windows in this building?  How will you house these birds...cages, aviaries, free-flight?  What type of lighting will you use for your birds?

Nesting boxes aren't for heating...they are for laying of eggs, caring for offspring.
