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My scared cockatiel - after a week

22 17:39:16


I have found this lutino yellow cockatiel with bright orange cheeks outside my office building after a very bad storm in Florida. I have put up posters and posted on the internet, no owner showed up.
I got a cage that I now think it is too small and I'm ordering a bigger one online, since the birdie is going to stay with us.
The birdie is eating and cleaning its feathers, screams about 3 times in the morning and then sits quite close to the food dish, with its crest up. It doesn't seam to be very scared of my hand, doesn't like me to get too close.
I know we are supposed to leave it alone for a while until it gets used to us, but we still need talk to it softly.
It has been a week and a half and it seems to be even more scared of us...My concern is that I can only spend about 20 minutes in the morning and a few hours in the evening after 6 with the birdie. Is that enough for it to get used to us? Is there anything I can do during the day so it won;t feel lonely? like play music, any bird songs? I put a mirror in the cage, it is not interested in the reflection...could it be a girl? since it is not making much noise and doesn't care in the reflection...Does it simply need more time?


From what you say, I would think that you found a female.  How wonderful that you are giving this lost bird a home.  She may have never been a very friendly bird; not all cockatiels are.  It's possible she wasn't handled a great deal in her previous home.  

I'd leave the radio on during the day, take out the mirror, and just take good care of her.  

Good luck to you!
