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Parakeet sickness

23 9:31:09

One thing I didn't mention originally is that we had another parakeet who passed away suddenly about three weeks ago. At first, the surviving keet seemed fine, but lately, these symptoms have been happening. Do you think it would help if we took the mirrors out of his cage (we have two now)? Do you think the other bird's death could affect his health in this way, or is that more likely a coincidence? Thank you so much for your help with this!


Followup To

Question -
I have a three year old male parakeet who over the past several days has been acting very strangely. The feathers around his head look disheveled and his eyes are open very wide. He also has been making a strange, repetitive movement with his neck (almost like a throwing up motion, but exaggerated and without actually throwing up). He's also been sitting on the bottom of the cage a lot. We're very careful about fresh food and water and supplements and all of that sort of thing. Any ideas of what might be wrong and/or what I could try? I'm worried! Thanks for any help!

Answer -
Hi, Marilyn.  Thanks for posting.

You know your keet better than I do...if you believe he might be sick, you need to get him to a bird veterinarian pronto.  Not a dog/cat vet, but an exotic animal vet.  

The exaggerated throwing up motion you describe is a common behavior in all parrots (your keet is a parrot) when they are regurgitating for their mate.  Their mate can be another keet, a toy, its image in a mirror, or YOU.  Is the keet behaving like this to something in its cage, to you (or when you're near), or someone else?  

The other behaviors you mention can be signs of illness,  but I can't say for sure because I don't know your bird.  Perhaps if you can provide more detailed information I could help more.


Hi, Marilyn.

Do you have any idea why your other keet passed away (was s/he sick, old age, etc.)?  Perhaps the other keet was sick and the existing keet has acquired what the other keet had.  Also could be the present keet is mourning the passing of it's companion...sometimes they become depressed when a mate or companion all of a sudden isn't there any more.  I'm not sure I'd remove the mirrors, but you could try and see what happens.  The mirrors could be a replacement companion for the living keet and removing them could make matters worse.  However, depending on why the other keet died, you might want to take the keet in to an avian vet.  
