Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Quails


22 17:50:31

I have a female and male quails. She has been lying eggs but not sitting on them
at all. I had to remove 6eggs on sunday because they were cold and she didnt sit
on them. But already she has got 4eggs, is there anyway i can encourage her to
sit on them? Because she has coverage available and different types of food and
i dont know what else i can do.
Thanks for your time.

Hello Haley and thank you for your post.
I do not have very much experience with quails.  My expertise is more geared up for parrots, but if the quial is not sitting on her eggs, they may not be fertile.
You can try taking the eggs and incubating them yourself.
I'm sorry that I can't be more help, but please keep me updated.

Good luck and God Bless.