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My Budgie..?

22 17:46:58

HI, lately my pet lutino budgie (female) hasn't been looking to well, (fluffed up etc)but she is starting to look allot better, but she has (by the look of it) A swollen crop.
Can you tell me why this could be? thanks

Hi again, Cate,

Why such a low rating?  I answered your question, although it may not have been the answer you wanted.


Hi, Cate,

I recommend you get your bird to a certified avian vet right away for a medical examination.  Has she eaten something recently that she shouldn't have?  Do you feed grit?  If you do, the grit could be impacted in her crop.  A bird vet is the only one who can fix this problem.  Your bird may not be metabolizing the food she is eating and what she is eating is not leaving her crop.  She could have some type of cyst, growth/mass in this area, etc.  When birds are sick and losing weight, they fluff themselves up in order to hide the fact they are losing weight...perhaps this is what your bird is doing.

She needs medical attention ASAP.
