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African Grey wing

22 17:36:32

I have a very sweet African Grey that I rescued about 4 months ago.  When I got her, she was an obvious feather chewer.  She has no tail, and concentrates her attention on her left wing, mostly leaving the right one alone.

I have been able to control the behavior somewhat, providing toys to shred and feeding her a balanced diet.  But, she still chews.

My concern is now her left wing is growing in some, but there is a large bump on the wing, below the shoulder.  She won't let me touch it, but doesn't get aggressive when I try to, just pulls the wing away.  She does not try to bite if I get too close to it.  I have been able to see it a little better when she's post-bath, and it seems like an area of thick skin is growing. She does tend to pick the area, but no more so than her usual feather chewing/shredding

I have a vet appointment in two weeks (earliest I could get), but am concerned this may be something significant.  Do you have any ideas what it may be?

She is her usual chirppy, happy, affectionate self.  

Thanks in advance for your opinion.  

Well it is hard to say. It is possible that she has just aggravated the site and now has a bit of swelling going on. I would just keep an eye on it until her vet appointment and make certain it does not become raw or inflamed.

Bless you for rescueing her. Also you are doing the right thing with the feather picking; distract with A LOT of foraging toys. Teach her to shred boxes!! It's inexpensive and it works really well

I thought you might enjoy this article of feather picking: