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22 17:47:51

I was playing with my pet cockatiel and he flew into my room I tried to take him out by scarring him with the curtains and when I finally decided to take him out with the stick he was out of breath and when I took him to the cage he started regurgitating(vomiting). What is wrong with him.

It sounds like your bird was very stressed and traumatized by the method you used to try and get him out of your room. I would recommend you get him to a vet asap for check up to make sure everything is ok. Some birds will regurgitate to favorite people or objects as a sign of affection (birds feed each other to bond and take care of their mate or their young), but it doesn't sound like this was why he was regurgitating in this situation. Vomiting could be a sign of something else going on medically, so a check up with an avian vet is a must.

I hope this helps.
