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Found Baby Finch After Storm

22 17:47:39

We have had quite a few severe storms this past week and yesterday morning I found two baby finch on my deck. I believe that they were blown out of their nest. They are young, but have some feathers, and one who was already trying to hop around and fly had flown away. The other small one remained. I pulled some straw like material and made a small nest and used a small garden tool to pick the bird up and placed him in the nest. I fed him small worms and he has been drinking water that we drip near his beak. We had more rain last night but I had him under an awning. He was still alive this morning, 24 hours later, so now I feel like he has a chance. What should we feed him besides worms or it that sufficient right now? Do I need to monitor the temperature? It is in the 70's here. Should I place him inside?
He is active but stays in the pot with the nesting material. He is pooping. He makes peeps. I believe he is healthy, we have seen no signs of injury.

Thank you

The worms are good and the water is also good.
You could place it inside, but if it is starting to fly it should do it outside. But sometimes there are cats outside and not inside. That is why inside is better.

At one point it should find it own food, so if it is fly or walking around it should search for it food, so hide it. Or don't handfeed it any more, but let the worms "escape".

You could and should change the nesting material if it become to dirty from poop. Or simple removing the poop from the nest.