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New bird questions

22 17:46:19

My wife just recieved a new "hand fed" lovebird for Xmas. Just a few questions, the bird seems quite afraid of human contact? What type of fresh fruits/veggies are best for this type of bird? Is it true that these birds need their beaks trimmed to stay healthy or does a cuttle work well enough?

Hi, Joe and Kim,

Congratulations on your new lovie!  If this bird is a handfed bird, it should not be afraid of human contact.  Parrots are handfed for this very they imprint on humans.  Having said this, there is an acclimation period most parrots go through when they move from one home to another, where they need time to adjust to their new environment and get used to their new humans.  However, a handfed bird should not be too afraid of human contact.  

Veggies are best since they contain more vitamins than most fruits.  A lot of fruit is mainly water, so not much nutrition.  The dark green and orange veggies contain the most nutrition, however, just about any fresh, raw veggie is good.  Also true cooked brown rice.  I like to mix cooked brown rice and mixed veggies together with a variety of other healthy foods (I never make the same soft mix twice!).  The healthiest fruits are the melons, berries, etc.  It would be beneficial for you to study healthy human nutrition to help you choose the best foods for your new lovie.  Visit my website for more information on good and bad foods: is also a good website.  Fresh, raw, clean foods are best, frozen next, avoid canned foods.  Cooking foods destroys most of the vitamins/minerals, so this is why fresh, raw are best.  Some foods have to be cooked, such as beans, lentils, etc.

Cuttlebone is supplemental calcium only.  Some birds chew on the cuttlebone, however, cuttlebone is really too soft to help keep beaks trimmed.  Most parrots need their beaks trimmed at some point or another, but not all parrots require this.  Wait and see what happens with your lovie.  Some beaks that need to be trimmed are the result of health problems or mandibles that don't meet properly and overgrow.  You can buy specific types of bird blocks that are for helping to keep beaks trim.  Offer a variety of toys made from wood for your bird to chew on in order to satisfy its natural instinct to chew.  This will help keep the beak trimmed down some.  A lot of people think that just because it hurts when their bird bites, this means the beak needs to be trimmed.....not necessarily true.  When beaks become overgrown so much a bird can't eat or drink results in health issues.
