Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Sun Conure and a Jenday Conure

Sun Conure and a Jenday Conure

22 17:46:19

Basically my two conures are laying eggs (3 so far) so we put in a nesting box which they are eating/destroying instead of using it to get busy. How do we stop this behavior? They don't get the attention they need (I know this is part of the problem) is there a way around this lack of personal attention.

Hi, Ruby,

Merry Christmas!

Part of the problem is that the nesting box should be up before eggs are laid, but egg laying on the cage bottom often occurs.  What the birds are doing is preparing the nesting box the way they want it to be.  This is perfectly natural.  They would have done this regardless of when the box was set up.  I use metal nesting boxes for my conures because they also chew them up.  Try providing some other type of wood to see if this helps to satisfy their natural instinct to chew, such as clean/disinfected tree branches from outside, wooden toys, etc.  Breeding parrots don't need your personal attention.  They have plenty enough to do with setting up their breeding nest, caring for their eggs, etc.  As a matter of fact, a lot of breeding parrots do not want their owners attention during this time.  This is their way of protecting their offspring.  However, each bird is different...some breeding birds if tame before remain tame during the breeding process and some don't.
