Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > My parakeet has a broken leg!

My parakeet has a broken leg!

22 17:48:09

Today this morning my mom said to come downstairs quickly. she said look at your bird she had been hanging by one of her feet on her bird cover i tried getting her out and she got out but after that she couldnt walk on her foot. It look like it was all crinkled up.and she couldnt move it. I didnt know what to do.I took the perches down next to the floor so that she could wouldnt fall. But her leg look just a little purple. So im confused idk what to do.plz help also how much does it cost for surgery on a parakeet if one is needed. also she stayed on the floor leaning to one side. then tried layed on the perch only on one foot

Hello Vanity,

As I state in my bio I am not an avian veterinarian and cannot offer a diagnosis or treatment. Your bird needs to be seen by an avian veterinarian. Due to the unique nature of bird bones it is important that she be seen immediately or she may heal improperly. I can tell you that surgery is rarely needed for bone breaks in birds but care by an avian veterinarian is necessary. Please make an appointment.
