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a male laid eggs????!

23 9:30:22

hello tara! My friend bred socitey finches and she let me take 4 of her babies home, 3 males and 1 female. The female died months later but the males are healty and strong. I always provide a nest in their cage for comfort and i have noticed that the three males would sleep in the nest at night. One however sits in the nest all the time. Curious i moved the male and there were 5 eggs! I was shocked! Now i know female finches are lightly colored with beige and white. the males are dark brown with a little white (all the males look the same, totally different from the female) They all sang and To see 5 eggs, is it possible for a female to look like a male? or is it possible for males to lay eggs? I am truley baffled!

Hello Amber and thank you for your question, That is untrue about the color telling sex. Society finches can not be viasably sexed just because your friends male is darka nd the female is light doenst mean all males are dark and all females light. Males and females sing its hard to sex them until a hen lays eggs one would ahve truble telling what is what. There are many colors of socitey finches light beiges, creams, piebalds, dark chestnuts and birndles, whites and cinnamons the sexes are the smae colors in each color type. The bird sitting on the eggs the most would be the female. Males can not lay eggs... htey don't have the proper equpiment lol. So you have a hen and at lest one boy in there. Doling a search on socitey finches and sexing them will brign upteh same results i have told you. I hope this sums everyhing up if you need anything esle feel free to ask, thanks.