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something wrong with my sassy ass parakeet

22 17:48:59

Hi Wayne
I have a 6 yr old parakeet that is sick. Her beck is turning light green and she is getting yellow feathers around her beak and face. Didn't eat not sure on drink.
so went to pet store and got millet and gave her water with a becker,she did eat some millet. She sometimes looks like she is gasping for air and she scratchers her face alot. I put her in separate cage cause honey bunny the male is fine.what you think?


The yellow you see could be from an infection draining and staining her feathers. (Like a runny nose)

The other option could be air sac mites.

You can buy an over the counter treatment for air sac mites, very easy to apply. But the antibiotics if it is an infection you will have to get from an Avian vet.