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Lovebird nesting

23 9:32:19

Hi, Chrys -- You seem to be so very knowledgable about peach-faced lovebirds.  I hope you can help.  We have one peach-face that we "adopted."  It's a long story.  Anyway -- we assume it is a "she" as she is building a nest in one of the corners of her cage.  There is a little plastic bird we were told is her favorite toy.  She has built the nest around this toy and has been rather protective.  She will allow us to approach to change food, water, put her bathtub in the cage bottom, etc.  We are wondering if we should be concerned, or just let this process go through its natural course.  We have provided shredded paper, etc. which she has used to add to the nesting effort.  

Thanks in advance for any help/advice.

Hi, Terry.  Thanks for posting.

How cute!  I've never seen this happen before, but it seems your lovebird is treating this toy as it's baby or considers the toy her mate.  Some single parrots become attached/bonded to mirrors in their cage (the friend they see in the mirror), and I've seen parakeets/budgies bond to toy birds that attach to perches, but I've never seen a lovebird hen build a nest around a favorite toy.  

Most parrots become very protective when they start the nesting process, so this is normal (although she might be kind of nasty for a while).  I wouldn't be alarmed by her behavior and I'd just let her go through the process.  I think you may cause more psychological harm if you take the toy away.  Your lovebird, if female (which it sounds like she is), may even lay eggs.  Females can lay eggs, although they'd be infertile, without the benefit of a male.  Therefore, don't be surprised if this happens.

Lovebirds are one species of only a few parrots who build elaborate nests.  Their nests can be as deep as 6 inches.  Don't be surprised either if that toy ends up buried in the nest!  Whatever her purpose is for doing this, I'd recommend just letting her proceed.  Keep a camera around though because you may get some great pictures from this!

Keep me informed.  I'm really curious to know what happens!
