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23 9:32:58

Followup To
Question -
Hello Tara, i m from India,i have 5 budgies ,i feed them with seeds,plz can u let me know which vegetables are safe for my budgies and good for their health? One of my budgies is loosing its feathers from the tail(infact its tail)wat can be the cause?,what is moulting? plz can u give me the datails for my above questions?In india we hav very few numbers of avian vets so it is difficult for me to find one to solve my querries.Your help will be very help full.
Answer -

I don't reccomend an all seed diet it is high in fat and will shorten there lifespan. I reccomedn a diet with part pellets, part seeds and part fruits/vegetables for a full and healthy life. Carrots, apples, grapes, bannas, lettuce, peas,  beans, orange, kiwi and alfalfa sprouts are all ok to offer, just be sure whatever you give them doesnt cause gas or you will kill them. If you need brand names to the pelleted diets please feel free to email me again./

Thank you for ur kind attention
I really feel awkward saying that i dont know how pellets excatly looks would be great if u recommend some name so that i can search for them in our local stores.Is giving them fruits and vegies daily cause them any problems like sneezing, cold ,fever etc....

Hello again and your very welcome, Giving fruits/vegetables daily will deffinitly not cause any of the problems you've mentioned. Well the pellets some in many sizes ranging from huge inch pellets for large parrots and tiny seed sized for finches and canaries, These are brightly colored and normally in resealable packages. Some good brands are: Kaytee, Zupreem, Mazuri, Pretty bird & Tropican. Be sure to get small hookbill pellets or ones made just for budgies as if they are too big the budgie can not get them bit into smaller pieces and then he can't eat them. I compltely forgot to mention what moulting was the other day well it is when budgies loss some of there feathers and the missing feathers get replaced with new ones just as a dog sheds fur and replaces it, There are never supposed to be vissable bald spots during shedding thou the tail may look ragged during this period. Good luck with your little ones, feel free to come back and ask away!