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My lovebird regurgitating

23 9:31:01

Hi Chrys,

I have written to you before, when my lovebird was eggbound couple of months back.

Anyways,  I have noticed the past 2 days when my lovebird is sitting on my lap she start moving her head up and down like when mother birds do to feed the baby.  

Well she brings the food up and seems like she tastes it and takes it back down.  And today she did the same thing and I got alittle of it on my pants.

She is active, when I come home she is sitting on her perch, she eats and when some comes out she flies or shred paper.  

I don't think anything is wrong with her, but seeing her regurgitating yesterday and today makes me wonder?   And it seems she only does it when she is sitting on my hand or on my lap.

Hi, Tony.  Thanks for posting again!

Your lovebird is fine!  What she's doing is showing her love and affection toward you.  This is what bonded parrots do to each other and she considers you her mate.  Regurgitation is also how parrots feed their young.  Sounds kind of yucky to us, but this is a parrot's way of expressing their love for their mates/their humans.

Lovebirds are one of only a few species of parrots who make elaborate nests (up to 6" deep).  They shred paper or similar products with their beaks, tuck the paper under their wings, and carry the paper into the nestbox in order to make a nest.  It's really fascinating to watch a pair of lovebirds do this.    
