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Greenk cheek conure

22 17:36:20

I noticed that my green cheek conure has like a body odor under her wing...she is about a year old...i have 3 other birds and the green cheek is the only one with the odor

All parrots have a musky scent under the wings. When your green cheek showers does he open his wings completely in order to wash that area? If not, you may want to assist him in his bathing. Place him in a shallow bowl in your sink, have a small measuring cup handy with warm water, and open his wings, wash them...just let the water hit the area, repeat a few times with each wing.
If you are allowing him to shower in the actual shower you may want him to open his wings more often in there, perch him on your hand and make him almost unsteady to where he will flap his wings.
Sounds like he just needs more showers. Nothing major.