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mini macaw

23 9:32:24

I have Mini Macaw that is kept in an outdoor aviary in my parants back garden, it has been scared of all humans since the day we got it. So scared infact that as soon as we open the kitchen door he flys into the sleep box and peers round the corner, if a line of sight can be made he breaks it at all costs. I want to bring him indoors to my own house. i have a suitable cage as i have owned an African grey for 12 yrs- who passed away recently,and am accustomed to keeping a parrot. However what would you advise the best approach be towrds introducing this bird to indoor life, especially with the regards to his first few weeks where he will be extreamly scared of any person or movement around him. I do not want my actions to have an adverse effect on how the bird interacts with me- (viewing me as the bad guy for inflicting change and resenting me in particular).  


It would be great if you could bring this parrot indoors and tame him/her down. It will take a long time, but the bird will probably be happier in the long run. (He will have companionship and be inside- safe from diseases, the elements, and predators).

Here are some articles that will help you to tame a bird that has such an intense fear of people:

I hope this helps.
