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WHat do you know!

23 9:31:21

I woke up @5am and he was alive!
i fed him around 6am and now he's gone back to sleep again.
The skin in his skull has turned from fleshy pink to a darker purple.
might this be healing?
He seems to be fine and energetic, while I was feeding him he was
jumping and flapping around as if trying to fly.
As for what to feed them, I'm not sure if we have this "feeding
formula" in our pet market (dominican republic), what do you
recommend i should feed him?
Thanks again for all your help.

GREAT NEWS, Marcos!  The darker purple color I believe is probably bruising or could be skin that has/is dying...I'd have to see it myself.  Sounds like this little guy might survive.  

If you can't find handfeeding formula for parrots, you can use liquid nutritional supplements (vanilla flavor), such as Ensure Plus, Slim Fast or something similar.  If you can't find these where you live, cooked oatmeal or cooked cream of wheat, or human infant formula would do fine (whatever is available to feed human infants will do, but try to avoid as much milk products as possible...parrots are lactose intolerant).  Be sure to give water also for hydration...dehydration is a serious problem, so don't let this happen.  At 5-6 weeks of age, this baby might be able to be weaned to soft, warm foods, but might be tramatic with the injuries to wean at this time.  Whatever this baby will accept that is nutritional would be fine.

Keep me informed as to the babies progress.  Great job, Marcos.
