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Budgie lump

22 17:58:49

Hey, I'm so worried!  I just discovered a red lump about as big around as a dime on the back of my parakeet, near the base of his tail.  He's been excreting a brown fluid from that area as well.  It doesn't seem to be bothering him, he still eats and plays and carries on with life in general but I know I need to do something.  The vets in my area won't handle birds and I'm worried sick.  I saw in a parakeet book I have that the oil gland at the base of his tail could get plugged and result in trouble if not fixed.  However, it doesn't say what to do once it goes beyond that point. It might not even be that anyway, so PLEASE help me!


The reason I recommended you take your bird to an avian vet for a medical evaluation is because this problem could be a cyst, it could be a tumor, it could be the uropygial (oil) gland, or it could be something else.  It's very difficult to diagnose medical problems over a website.  If you want more information about the oil gland, visit this website:

There are other websites in cyberspace on this subject also.  Search using "uropygial gland."  Regardless of what it is, an avian vet will need to be consulted for a distinct diagnosis and any required treatment.


Hi, Noel.  Thanks for posting!

You need to take your budgie to an avian veterinarian.  Hopefully, you'll be able to find one with this website:  If not, call the closest bird vet and ask for a reference closer to you.  

It could be the oil gland, but maybe not.  This is why your bird needs to be seen by a birdie vet.

Come back with any questions.
