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parakeet question

22 17:47:00

I have a parakeet that is pulling out feathers from his breast.  Parts of his breast are almost bald.  What is wrong and what should I do to help him.

Hello Brian and thank you for your post.
How long has your Parakeet been doing this?  
There are many reasons that birds pluck their feathers out.  Lack of mental stimulation is one.  How much time do you spend with your bird?  It may not be enough time.
It could be a diet issue.  Have you recently changes his diet?  He may be lacking something.
It could be environmental.  Any kinds of cleaning products, perfumes, scented candles, air fresheners, hair sprays, and so on, can irritate a bird's sensitive skin.
Last, it could be parasites.  Mites are very tiny and can only be seen through a microscope.  Take your bird in to a Certified Avian or Exotic Animal Vet to have him checked for parasites.  The test is painless and not expensive, and you'll know right away.
In the mean time, be sure to keep your bird out of drafty places.  Lightly misting him with water will help to soothe the itch.  You can also take him into the bathroom and run the hot water in the shower and let the room steam up.  This will also help keep moisture in his skin.  

Good luck and God Bless.