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2 conures

22 17:58:26

Sorry I should clarify my suns are siblings and are 3 months old. They are
tame (they where hand fed) and can step up and have been very sweet
overall. My concern is that all I have read so far only talks about dealing with
an individual. I guess I understand that the training is the same but how do I
seperate them without upsetng them? When I take one to a diffrent room its
non stop sqeaking. Can you recomend any books or sites that may help?
The text above is a follow-up to ...

Hi I recently purchased two sun conures and I love them but im concerned
being able to train them. They are very sweet and like to interact but its
somewhat hard to get them to pay attention. Since they are companions they
seem to get upset when they are seperated even for a minute. I have read a
books on training conures/parrots however none of them really address
two. Any advice?
Hi, Albert.  Thanks for posting!

Why did you buy 2 untame suns when you wanted tame birds?  Taming starts
when birds are young babies still in the nest.

The main problem you're going to have is that you have 2 birds together.  
Birds prefer other birds to humans.  Parrots' attention spans are very short,
thus, taming/training can be a real problem!  Two is no different than
working with one, except that you might have to separate them in order to
work with them (work with each one individually in a separate room with
minimal distractions).  Once you lose their attention, stop and resume again
later.  Taming takes much time and patience, so don't expect results

Depending on how long you've had these birds, they might need more time to
adjust to their new environment and you before you start working with them.  

Come back with any additional questions.


Hi again, Albert.

They'll get over it!  You don't have to separate them if they cooperate with you when they are together.  If you have to separate them, you'll only have the one's attention for a few minutes any way at most!  

There are websites about parrots all over the internet.  You'll just need to search until you can find one that discusses what you are interested in.  You have a good site here for information also.  

I guess I'm at a loss as to what you're looking for.  If these birds are tame, is your only concern their attention span?  Parrots' attention spans are very short because there's so much available that they are curious about!  This is why working with them takes time and have to take baby steps with them because it's difficult to keep their attention for any length of time.  
