Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > please help me theyre driving me crazy!

please help me theyre driving me crazy!

23 9:33:03

thanks but i already tried that and the blanket thing wont work! these are'nt my birds they're my brothers~ and also is there anything else besides taking them back because since i have a mother who is very strct so i dont think that she or my brother would want to take them back! please help me quiet them or i'll go crazy~
Followup To
Question -
Hi my name is victoria
and my brother got two cockatiels for his b-day and since they got here all they do is chirp and make a lot of noise! i've tried scaring them and making my dog scare them as well. So what i want to know how can make them shut up for awhile! and also they dont make to much noise at night but when my brother gets up they start making noise! please help~  

Answer -
Hello Victoria,

I knoe exacty what you mean cockatiel don't shut up and when you've got two its ten times worse! something to have thought about before getting them for him! Are tehy handfed tame babies? if so this is why they chirp when he gets up as they want his attention they want to be taken out adn played with... minc you they should be taken out daily for at lest a half hour so life isnt so boring and they'll get some wign exercise as well(they can easily exercsie there wings if there clipped, as they should be), another thing is take an old blanket and cover the cage at night leaving a small space for air passage thou if its very hot where you are don't cover them they'll die of heat stroke! covering ussally quites the birds but please don't have them covered half the day to do so would be like yourself sitting in the dark all day with voices around you, the noise will only get worse as birds are quiter as babies as was evidenced when I got a budgie oh so quite at eight weeks turn 12 weeks and you'd think you have tweety in your home! Before anyone gets too attached to tehm rehome them or take them back if the noise is too much its better then doing so months down the road when noone wants older birds.

Hello again, well then there is nothing you can do, other then covering the birds, making sure to let them out, playing with tehm and being sure they have food thats it, birds are noisey cockatiels may not be so annoying as budgies but they are louder.