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witch one?

23 9:34:51

I'm looking for a parrot thats about twice the size of a tiel, isn't prone to biting and isn't always tweeting, could you reccomend one?

Hi.  Thanks for posting your question.  It's going to be really hard to help you with your question because I need to know more about your lifestyle in order to recommend a bird for you.  If you want to provide in-depth information about your lifestyle, I could help.  In addition, you need to realize that all birds bite at some time or another for various reasons.  You will never find a parrot that doesn't bite because biting is their defense mechanism.  Birds defend themselves mainly in 2 different ways:  they bite when they feel threatened or they fly away (fight or flight response).  A handfed/hand raised baby bird is your best bet and then you must be able to spend time with a bird daily in order for it to stay tame.  And if you own a bird, you can expect to be biten at one time or another just caring for your bird.  All birds tweet.  This is a sign of good health and is the way they's simply natural for them to make noise.  Birds make more noise at certain times of the day than other times, too.  Also, certain species make more noise than others.  The larger the bird, the louder they can be (cockatiel versus an amazon, for example).  Provide more information and I'll try to help.  Thanks.