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whos the daddy?

22 17:47:34

Okay, I know this is weird, but about a year ago my lovebird got out of her cage and got into my Quaker Parrot's cage.  They get along really well, so we left them together.  We put them on the porch for the summer and after about 2 months, two eggs appeared!  One dropped and cracked but the other one is ok.  Now, I know it isn't fertile, but it's the Quaker Parrot who seems to be "sitting" on the egg. The lovebird spends the day eating much more than normal.  A vet told me the QP was a boy.  Do male QPs sit on their eggs?  And even though I know they can't make babies, should I add nesting material to the cage?

Hi, Lydia,

What you have is a female laying infertile eggs.  When the vet told you your QP was a boy, was DNA or surgical testing performed?  If not, your QP could be a female.  I say this because the lovie would most likely be incubating the egg if she was a female.  No, adding nesting materal could encourage further egg laying and you should try to discourage egg laying with these 2 birds.  Keep their light source down to 8-10 hours per day and do not have any type of nesting box up.  Be sure to include cuttlebone in their cage for calcium supplementation.
