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bird is bleeding! help

23 9:29:08

ok thanks but i still have a few questions my bird ( the one that bleeded) had feathers fallen off before and he had his long tail feather fallen off too. But when he tried to fly he can merely fly 3 inches , but my other green one can fly higher then him ( there both wings are clipped ) do u know the reason for this ? . Like my green one can nicely glide from a table to the floor but ym bleu adn white one just falls down while trying to flap his wings ( but he has had mroe feathers fallen off about 2 or 3 more then my green one ). so i would like it if u can tell me why thanks

Followup To

Question -
right now the the blood has dried up and when i try to clean it he trys to squirm out really fast and its really hard to clean it. he is eating well and is now playing with my other budgie ( green in color) . should i contouine to try to clean it?

Followup To

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my birds feather fell off and it tried to fly and suddenly i saw blood in it right wing ( where the feather fell off)can u please tell me what i should do to stop the bleeding? , i cant take him to the vet cuase my paremts are at work and my grandpa and grandma dotn know how to drive! is there any way i can stop the bleeding . it ahs stopped bleeding but it keeps scratchign the same wing and the blodd looks like ti dried up . My bird is a budgie, please email me as soon as possible.

Answer -
Hi Joe,

I am so sorry that I didn't get to your question sooner. This is a blood feather, a feather that is filled with blood. Try to carefully clean it off, and pay close attention, birds can die very quickly from loss of blood. Do the best you can.


Answer -
No you don't have to clean it any more. It is probably best to just leave the bloody spot alone. Just keep an eye on him.


Hello again Joe,

Some birds have been clipped their whole life, and don't know how to fly at all. And some used to be able to fly, and have experience even if they are clipped. Some birds just don't know how to do it. And it is normal for some feathers to fall off, when they are growing new ones in (this usually happens twice a year). But just keep a good eye out for any more problems.
