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Parakeet with a limp foot

22 17:47:55

Hi Dianna,

My name is Allison & ever since I was 7, I've had at least one parakeet.  I'm 24 & currently have 4.  One of them has been causing a lot of trouble ever since I got her.  She's quite mean at times to other females (even when I only had her & another female).  My main concern is the fact that she appeared fine yesterday, but when I came home from work today, she seemed to be hobbling around.  I noticed that she's not really able to grip the perch with her left foot now & it mostly sits limply on top of the perch, kind of together but not in a ball.  she can't seem to move it much & she's having great difficulty maneuvering around in the cage.  I'm extremely concerned because I had a 10 yr old parakeet that developed something similar in both of his feet about a month before he died.  I tried calling a number of animal clinics & avian specialists in IL, but all of them are closed on weekends.  I'm standing up in a wedding next week & I"m leaving early on Monday to go to Vegas for it.  Is there anything I can attempt for my poor parakeet?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this & for any information or help you can offer me, I greatly appreciate it.


Allison Vrshek

Hello Allison and thank you for posting.
What part of Illinois are you in?  I was in the northeast part and there is a Pet Emergency Services that is open all night and on the weekends in Grayslake on the corner of Route 45 and Route 120 (Belvidere Rd).  You need to seperate the parakeet and take all of the perches and grates out of the cage.  The last thing that you want is for the parakeet to use the foot if it is injured.
You also have to keep the bird warm and calm.  If the bird is in pain, then there is a good chance of giving it a heart attack from over stress.
I am sorry that I can't give you better advise, and I'm not sure what you are going to do about leaving Monday morning, but she needs to be watched closely.

Please keep me updated.

Good luck and God Bless.