Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > My birds beak

My birds beak

23 9:32:36

I recently purchased an umbrella cockatoo that is 5 months old. I am still handfeeding once a day. I have noticed that on one side of his beak the bottom beak seems to be overgrown. When the beak is closed the one side overlaps the top beak on the outside. The other side goes up into the top beak. Can this cause a problem? Can it be fixed or should we just leave it alone?

Hi, Karen.  Thanks for posting.

Yes, this definitely is a problem.  You should take your 'too to an avian vet (not a cat/dog vet), but a BIRD vet (exotic animal vet) for evaluation.  The vet will determine what is causing the problem and correct it if possible.  It could be the result of handfeeding, if you are feeding on the side of the beak that has the problem, but only an avian vet can make this determination.

Don't out an avian vet ASAP, make an appointment, and get your 'too to the doc.  The worst thing you can do is to do nothing.

