Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > pesky willy again

pesky willy again

22 17:37:48

Do yot have any thoughts on weather the wings should be clipped or not? and what about the beek dose it need 2 be trimed or cut or nither.? and he fluffs up his feathers around his beek what dose it mean?. sorry to bother you so much

Thanks for your questions!

You can choose whether or not to clip your cockatiel's wings, if he/she is flying away from you and taking advantage of you, I would clip his/her wings, also to prevent him/her from flying out the door. Wing clipping is a good thing to do though.

You do not have to trim a cockatiel's beak, only when it grows..very long. Almost touching its throat.

All cockatiels fluff up there feathers around their beak, its normal. ;)

Hope this helps,