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Wing Clipping

23 9:32:15

Hi Tara,
Thanks for the recent info on the Cockatiels.
New problem, the people that we bought the cockatiel from had clipped both of its wings,
she admitted that she cut them alittle close causing some bleeding, my wife have been watching and noticed that the bird has been "picking" at them causing more bleeding.  What can we do to get him/her to stop, and is there any type of medication that you may know of to help heal its wings?


Hello Ed, You are very welcome.

Wings must always be clipped very carefully cutting into blood feathers is very painful and messy and can be deadly if bleeding isnt stopped quickly enough. I recomend getting some septic powder to put on his feathers if they start bleeding again, I've never heard of the cockatiel picking at them until the bleed its possibly he is just trying to clean his feathers and then it begins bleeding again. Other then that I'm not sure what else you can do but wait untilt the feather heals. Good luck with your little buddy,

Ps: have you found out what sex he/she is?

Any more questions dont hesitate to ask, Tara.