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nervous budgie

23 9:30:56

I brought a male budgie 7weeks ago from my local pet shop,he took a while to settle in,but he chirps away like a nutter at the mo.But im concerned about his thrashing around his cage when anyone goes near,cleaning him out is a nightmare,im worried he may hurt himself,hes ok with household noises,hover,music,etc, he just seems so nervous when anyone including myself goes near his cage,he has a large Vision 210 cage with clear sides so he can see all around him,any ideas.............he worries me.


Hi Nikki,

I believe your budgie wants to come out. If he tries to attack you when you walk by, then he doesn't trust you yet. It took my budgie 2 years to trust us, so don't expect anything so early. If this is a gass cage, I recommend getting a bar cage. It works out alot better. I hope this helped. Let me know what happens.
