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Parakeet sick?

23 9:30:53

I have a parakeet whose droppings has changed recently. It was dry black with white in the middle but now it is watery and is like a "puddle" when my bird goes? Is there a way to cure? Antibiotics? thank you for your help. thank you

How old is the parakeet, and is it a male or a female.  It could be a number of things, including but not limited to worms.  If it is a female, she might be getting ready to lay an egg.  
Has the bird's diet changed?
Is ther a new stress on the bird, such as a move of the cage, a new bird, and so on?
If you have recently changed the bird's diet, go back to the old diet and start a GRADULE change to the new diet.
If it is not passing it's stools properly, consult an avian vet as there might be a serious problem in it's digestive tract.
If the bird has worms, your vet can give you a medicine to get rid of the worms.

PLease keep me informed on the bird's progress and God Bless.