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Jay with respiratory problem

22 17:54:36

I currently keep a wide variety of Softbills including one pair of White Tailed Jays in an outside aviary (all kept separately).
Recently, one Jay has developed a sneezing/coughing type of problem similar to as if it was trying to clear mucus from it's throat,(I am aware birds don't really salivate).
I have had a look for Gape worm but there is no signs of any parasites.
My local vet appeared slightly apprehensive at having to deal with a bird and after injecting it with Baytril asked that i syringe 2ml of Baytril into it's mouth daily.
She also recommended a specialist bird vet some distance away.
The bird has been on this medication for approx 2 weeks now and i am not noticing any real difference.
I know it's hard without seeing the bird but any ideas as to the problem/potential cure?
Any help greatly appreciated.  

The best advice is to telephone the specialist bird vet what is some distance away.
Softbills are birds that are a bit special. The specialist bird vet is used to treat birds without seeing them. Transporting sick birds is a source of stress what could kill a bird.

Two weeks without any results is very normal.
Keeping the bird inside helps and there are other medicine, that could help.  What you describe is typical for Gape worm.

I'm not a vet so I'm not naming any medicine and how to use them.