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Health for my Nora

22 17:40:55

A year or two ago I bought my mother two parakeets. A green male, Nick, and a blue female, Nora... This past month, we have been noticing something that has been making us worried. Nora's nose has come to look dark brown, dry, scaly, withered, shriveled and shrunken... I tried reading through a few bird care manuals and I cannot find any reference... In all honesty, my mother thinks that she was pecked at to death (Nora's still alive), but also believes that it wasn't bugs... I, however, thought she was sick... or in the very least, in need of some really good medicated moisturizer lotion (we didn't put any lotion on her nose. I felt it would have been harmful to her)... However, I am no expert on animals, health and the like...

If someone could please give me an answer as to what is wrong with our Nora would be great. Nick is in prime condition, and is not having SSN Condition (as my family calls it), his nose being a healthy blue and not scaled. Like I said, I thought Nora was sick... yet, Nick didn't catch anything so it may not be an illness... what is it? They have been their old selves, yet fighting each other more often than usual...

But as to why I thought Nora was sick other than the nose business, she had managed to pull out all of her long feathers at the base of her one wing... They were everywhere around the cage. Is she alright?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to say what is wrong with your bird health wise over a website. Have you tried taking her to an avian vet?

I have heard of this before, and it has turned out to be malnourishment.

A vet will know for sure.
