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pet bird

22 17:47:45


I've been wanting to get a bird as a pet since I was little.  I'm 14 now, and I think I can pay for everything my self.  My mom doesn't like birds, and says I can't get one as a pet.  I don't see why, I love birds, and I have anelfish, a leopard gecko, and a boston terrier that are all well taken care of and happy.  Any suggestions for a bird that isn't too big, doesn't smell too much, and is quiet?  


ANSWER: Hello thanks for emailing... But first let me say if your parents say no then if the bird ever needs vet treatment its likely they wont help and it will die because of if they say no wait a few more years until you for sure can cover everything since your likely to have a job by then. All birds tweet every single one none are quiet budgies twitter all day, lovebirds chirp loudly and screech when they want attention cockatiels Holler and make horridly annoying sounds when they feel like it and larger birds take alot of a persons time and are also not quite...finches and Canarys can have soft voices but they are look but don't touch birds...birds don't stink. Also I've found my dogs to find my three lovebirds very annoying as do I they screech/chatter/chirp tweet every waking hour to the point they get relocated during the evenings because they keep me awake with there twittering at night and even thou they are covered with a thick throw also. I recommend waiting...check the locale bird scene at petstores listen to the sounds the birds make before deciding also...beware baby parrots(budgies/cockatiel/lovebirds) are quite when they are babies but after a few months are just as loud as any other.

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Thanks for the advice.  With what you said about my parents not helping me with a sick bird, they're not cruel, they just don't want one.  I know they would take me to whatever vet specialist i would need to see.  I've had a passion for animals since I was a kid, and I currently have a dog, a leopard gecko, a betta, and angelfish and tetras, all of which are in good health.  They would help :)And what i meant by stink was that their droppings stink, which my mom doesn't want.

are doves good pets? like a zebra dove? would that work?

What about doves?  are they good pets?

Hello your welcome, Well a pair of ring neck doves(two boys or two girls) would be ok a male/female pair will lay eggs all the time. Ring neck doves make freidnyl pets don't bite get a fair size and make plesent sounds...not at 3 am there not nice lol. But xzebra doves are flightly and not handleable doves are very loving birds and need to be kept in pairs since doves don't "play" with ther eowner or toys really they only sit and coo/eat/poop they get very bored and depressed when kept alone. Bird poop doesnt stink at all and if the cage paper is changed every 5/7 days there is no smell but birds do have a feathery smell but it doesnt stink you do smell the feather dust is what I mean.