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Parakeet Necessities

22 17:47:46

I am getting my 10 year old a parakeet (would you suggetst any other type of bird?) for her birthday.  What items should I purchase to begin with so the bird will be happy?  It is a baby (not sure how old-yet)  I have never had a bird before, so any help with what type of food I need to get or anything like that would be really appreciated.


I recommend instead a handfed just weaned peachfaced lovebird(they come in many colors) from a breeder, you can check around newspaper ads/online ads for a breeder near you because the lovebirds at petstores even if handfed often are quite mean because they have not be handled after weaning. A lovebird needs No other lovebird to be happy only an owner who lets it out and play with it daily. Budgies are nice but they must be tamed which takes time and most kids don't have the patience and they will never be as loving as a handfed bird. I also have noticed lovebirds to be smarter then budgies and more fun to be around a single male makes a better pet then a female in most cases all small parrots males make better pets because females tend to get aggressive apon maturity because of breeding hormones...males remain nice in my experience. You will need none the less a large cage for a budgie or lovebird a Big cage that will hold lots of toys and perches is best a cage 20 high,18 deep and 18 wide is perfect for One of either budgies can have smaller cages but lovebirds defiantly need a cage this size or large they are big clowns and need room to entertain themselves to be happy. You also need pellets/seeds/toys...lots of toys/a ladder or two, a mirror would be nice and assort perch sizes most cages come with two perches of one size get another to fit the cage of a different thickness...there are perches made from safe tree branches that bolt to the cage these are most natural and give the bird a chance to chew also. Since you have never had a bird before I suggest picking up a book on general about keeping parrots....there is much to know about care. Be sure the birds cage is away from drafts/direct sunlight and other pets that can scare it to cat jumping on cage or pawing at barking at bird through cage ect ect. The birds cage can not be near the kitchen the fumes from Non stick cookware will KILL a bird of any kind easily and quickly...the pan doesn't even have to be very hot for the fumes to be exposed and kill a bird these fumes are also harmful to people and bird owners often switch to stainless steel or iron cookware. Loud TVs/stereos can frighten birds also. At night the birds cage should be covered with a light blanket leaving only the back uncovered so the bird an et its good night rest and be up to speed in the morning...birds that can not get a good night rest will be crabby the next day. A play pen for sitting on a desk or table or ontop of a flat topped cage is useful for keeping the bird busy also. You will also need several dishes/a plant mister to bath the bird with and/or a bird bath. Also keeping the birds wings clipped(this doenst hurt and petstores/vets will do it for you to show you how) will pervent the bird ever flying away if it should ever get out of the house....they often never come back and they never survive out of the home or there native land(australia for budgies Africa for lovebirds)...the weather often gets too cold and they just can not take the temps outside or they can not find food. Pick up a copy of the lovebird manual/handbook or the budgie manual or handbook depending on what bird your most interested in.... all bird books will give insight on bathing/wing clipping/claw trimming/handling/toys non stick cookware ect ect but breed suspific books tell about teh proepr diet for that type of bird and cage size and persoanility.