Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Is my Cockatiel having a seizures?

Is my Cockatiel having a seizures?

22 17:38:11

I inherited 2 wonderful Cockatiels (15 yrs old, both male, named Bonnie and Clyde) from my mother who recently passed away.  I think Clyde is having small seizures on a regular basis that seem to last less than a minure.  His beak moves up and down rapidly and his tail rapidly moves right to left, and he contorts his body while he is on the perch.  He is not aware of his surroundings. After the episode he is quite fine and playful.  Clyde is usually attentive to my movements.  In the past, he had fallen a few times when his perch fell from the cage.
They are both wonderful curious creatures that loved deeply.

Please advise, Thanks.

Yes, it does seem your cockatiel is having a seizure. If the bird is ok after the incident, then I'm sure he will be fine, but just to be safe and make sure his health is at his best, I would take him to an avian vet to be examed.

Hope this helps,