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Cockatiel losing feathers!

22 17:41:23

Hi, we recently introduced another male cockatiel to be a friend to our lonely male we've had for about a year. Since the new bird came, our original bird has started losing a lot of feathers! Is this a sign of stress? Should we get rid of the new bird?? Thanks for your help!

Hi there,

Firstly, NO, don't get rid of the new bird. Freak molts happen for all sorts of reason, and there are so many factors that and variables involved with normal molts.

I wouldn't be too worried at this stage. But if he molts enough that he starts balding, then take him to a vets.

Are they fighting? Is there a bald patch on the back of either of their necks?

When a bird molts allot of feathers pretty quickly, it is a good idea to add some extra protein into their diet. Scramble up an egg, and add a bit of broken up shell.

Your bird may be a little grumpy and fluffed up more than usual. This is normal. It takes allot of energy out of birds when they will feel a bit tired. Their skin will also become itchy with the feather regrowth, so spray your bird daily with tepid water to keep the skin soft.

Hope this helps.
