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parakeets 2nd question

23 9:33:31

Hi Tara

Thank you so much for responding so fast...needless to say im kicking myself and thinking that you are prob correct...i was cooking earlierin the day  approx 11am...and the handle of a small pot i have burned a bit on the gas stove.  although i was standing there and quickly removed it...the smell was pretty bad...i aired out the room and put the fans on...never thinking that maybe the fumes could be toxic to the birds....but that was at 11am and the birds died at 9pm....they were fidgeting alot while i was clipping but they were used to being handled....anyway im sad....let me know what u think ....again thx for your help..

Hi, thats probly it, do you keep yuor cockateil in teh sme area thou? if so he would have died too which means it wasnt the fumes, mine fidget when I clip too but I've never had a problem, thats all I can think of sorry if I'm not much help but I havent heard of anything like this before, good luck with your new birdys anyways, if you haev any questions about diet or toys I can deffinitly help.