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Budgerigar parakeet is sick

22 17:59:04

My budgerigar parakeet is 7 and a half years old. She appears to be sick because she has water-like yellowish mucus on her nose above the beak. She also has water-like mucus (it looks like tears) around her eyes, and she frequently itches her eyes. When she itches her eyes by her paws or by other things such as her sitting stick, the area around eyes becomes reddish. However, the parakeet does not seem to be passive. Rather, she became more active and walks a lot on the floor, looking for dust, but this behavior is still unusual. She also drinks a lot (I have to change her water a lot), and she also urinates more than before. What is her illness? How can I treat her?  

Hello Natalya.  Thank you for your post.
Your little friend definitely has an infection, possibly sinus or even an eye infection.  She may be drinking more to help keep herself from getting dehydrated.  She needs to be seen by a Certified Avian Vet for some antibiotics.  Without them, her infection may become systemic and fatal to her.
The fact that she is active is pretty much ruling out a respiratory infecting, as this would make her listless and not active at all.

Good luck and God Bless.