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cocketiel vomit

22 17:46:20

We got 2 baby cockatiel. We feed them with Aviplus for handrearing parakeets for the past week and a half since we got them. The one started to become interested in real food but we still fed them. Since Friday the one looked quite stiff and cold.  We are keeping it warm and force feeding it ever since.  Today it started to vomit.  Somebody recommended cage bird remedy from Daro.  I guess the baby's age is between 3 and 5 weeks old. What can I do to help the bird?

Hi, Elize,

You need to take this baby tiel, actually take both baby tiels, to a certified avian veterinarian ASAP.  The one baby needs immediate medical assistance.  I'm not familiar with Aviplus for keets, but if this is not a handfeeding formula that you mix with hot water and feed to the baby tiels via a handfeeding syringe, then these babies are not being properly nourished.  Also, these babies need to be kept at about 90 degrees F at all times until they are almost fully feathered (decrease the temp as more feathers appear).  The sick baby is beyond being helped at home in my opinion.  Keep the baby warm, nourished as much as possible until you can get it to the bird vet hopefully first thing tomorrow.  If you don't do this, you may lose this baby.
