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changing beak color

22 17:50:52

i have a female and mated with a male. she layed 3 eggs and 2 hatched.the baby birds are starting to grow feathers andthe mothers cere changed to crusty brown then on the sides it was pinkish and peachish mixed together. does she have mite? is it normal?
p.s. sorry for writing 3 messages. just confused.

Hi again, Katelyn.

Are you asking about the beak or the cere here (your subject says beak, but you talk about cere in your post).  The dark brown, crusty look of the cere means the female is in breeding condition.  I'd have to see a picture of the bird's beak in order to see what's going on.  As I explained in my other response, budgies can get scaly face mites, but parrots don't normally get mites in general.  You can look up scaly face mites on the internet to get an idea what they look like so you can compare with your bird's cere/beak.
