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Male spraying or in heat?

22 17:48:47

My male cockatiel is four years old, I've only had him for a short while as his last parents moved overseas.  He and I have caught on quick and he's become a normal rider on my shoulder.  My question deals with him rubbing himself on my sheets and other soft materials.  Having had budgies I'm familiar with the kind of "aerobics" he's doing.  Is he just in heat?  I know it's that time of season, but is he marking his territory because he's in a new home?  Is there anything I can do to get him to stop?  I had an offer for stud, but will that calm him down?

Hello Brendon and thank you for your post.
He is just in heat, and hormonal because of it being breeding season.  It should pass on it's own.  Putting him out to stud may not be the best answer for him.  He might actually latch onto the female and want nothing more to do with you, and the female may have the same reaction with her owners.
It is just a natural instinct for him, and there really is nothing that can be done to stop it.

Good luck and God Bless.