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Questions about my new baby

22 17:58:35

I am a proud new mom of a baby Jenday Conure.  It's going great right now (it's been here for about 3 hrs now).

I am definately going to get a book tomorrow ( and have been reading as much as I could find all night) but is there any place you can point me to for now for:

What things mean (ie: clicking beak, nibbling ear, chewing hair, ruffling feathers)

and anything else....I am going to be One of the Best Bird Mommies!

Thank You


Congrats on your new baby conure. Jendays can be total lovebugs, but can also be very demanding and VERY loud! (So you will have your hands full for the next 30 to 35 years) :)

Clicking the beak (usually grinding the beak) could mean that she is relaxed and ready for bed. :)

Nibbling on your ear and chewing on your hair means that she is trying to preen you most likely. It is an affectionate thing- birds preen each other in the wild to show affection and reinforce their bonds

Ruffling her feathers and fluffing up can mean different things. It could mean that she is just "hunkering down" and ready to go to bed (nesling into your hair to go to sleep), or it could mean that she is cold. If it is warm in the room and she is still sitting fluffed up, it could also be a sign that she is ill.

Here are some of my favorite articles for new bird parents to read over:

I hope this helps!
