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my parakeet Ozzie

22 17:49:55

My parakeet is about one and a half years old.  I got him when he was about 2mos old.  He has been so happy.  He talks, follows us around the house and takes baths on our hands in the bathroom sink.  Lately he has been staying in his cage more and itching himself.  I figured he was moulting b/c small feathers would be at the bottom of his cage.  I started putting a moulting supplement in his food and that seemed to help him.  But now he can't stopped itching underneath his legs and near his back long feather where his poop comes out.  He seems to have puffy feathers back there and it looks like he has two small cotton balls under there.  He is also hunched over a little b/c of it.  He hasn't been as playful.Is he getting new feathers? or is this something eles? Oh, and he also hasn't wanted to take a bath in awhile.  I look forward to your response.  Thank you,

Hi, Valerie.  Thanks for posting!

I recommend you stop the molting supplement and see if he doesn't improve.  Sometimes adding these supplements results in digestive problems and/or an upset in the digestive track.  This would cause his vent to get "messy," i.e., you might start seeing poo accumulating at the vent.  Your bird just needs to get through his molt.  Molting is stressful on a bird, so this is why your bird's behavior has changed some.  He'll (hopefully) be his normal self after his molt is finished.
