Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > lovebird chews sand sheets.

lovebird chews sand sheets.

22 17:38:36

my lovebird has only just started to chew his sand sheets.he has grit in his cage as well as a shallow bowl of special sand with grit in it which i brought from the range which is for this type of bird.but he still chews his sands sheets and i dont know why.

Hi, Joanna,

Parrots, including lovies, DO NOT require grit, sand, or the like.  In fact, grit, sand, etc., can become impacted in the bird's crop and require surgical intervention in order to fix.  Sometimes this problem cannot be fixed and could result in a bird's death.  

Birds (parrots) who hull their seed and eat the soft inside "meat" do not require grit/sand.  Birds, such as pigeons, doves, etc., who eat their grains whole require grit/sand/etc., in order to help them "digest" the seed/grain hull.  

I recommend removing any grit, sand, other from your bird's cage and diet completely.
